Harinder Singh NKJ
Read Update: 19th December, 2019
Harinder Singh NKJ and his jatha are banned from more Gurdwaras as below. Why? Because he thinks it’s ok for men to do mouth-to-mouth simran and likes to pull down his fellow members kacheray and hit them with what is being called a “Dick-Stick”… listen to it yourself! He may claim it’s “old news” but truth is it still happens, he’s just more cautious nowadays incase his bedrooms are bugged. #nkj #dickstick
Update: December 2019 – Harinder had long claimed the audio files were tampered with and they were cut up to defame him. The audio files were analysed by a professional and independent, third-party company who have provided a full report. You can see it below which basically says all the audio files have NOT been tampered with and are original. You can find the PDF file at the bottom of this page.
Supporters of NKJ
Here are some pics and links to supporters of this dusht. A lot of these are from Thailand, one of the countries in the world where pedophilia is a big problem. Wonder why NKJ goes there…? Anyway, you may wanna stay away from the following psychos who have been deeply DEEPLY touched by Harinder. Especially the young ones. And especially the boys. #dickstick

Thailand dude

Thailand couple
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