Gurusharan Singh Faridabad
So-called Bhai Gurusharan Singh Faridabad, a member of the Akhand Keertani Jatha (AKJ) has been caught out yet again but this time with proof of his flirting with young girls. In the screenshots of the conversation, captured by @thekhatarnaaktimes on Instagram, the Faridabad “Fuckboy” begins his flirting straight away by questioning the young girl as to how she knows him. When she replies she knows him as he is a “famous” Keertani, he immediately he asks “Do you only listen to me or watch me too?”. The conversations then go on to him asking her to go to the bathroom and sending her nude photos and trying to emotionally blackmail her into some sort of relationship. He calls her things such as “sexy” and “hot” and asking her if she wants to “do something with him” of a sexual nature.
Gurusharan is just one of a string of recent Kirtaniye, particular from AKJ, who have been caught out abusing their “fame” and status. We urge all jathebandhis and Gurdwaras to immediately ban this individual on all stages around the world. We must stand up against abusers such as these who think this kind of disgusting behaviour is acceptable within our Panth. They hold positions of power and influence due to their charismatic way of doing Kirtan but at the first sign of such troubles, they should be removed immediately from positions where they can abuse it. They are answerable to the Panj Pyaare but also to the Saadh-Sangat (congregation).